Cajun Muse
Booking Etiquette & Zero Tolerance Policy
Our time on this earth is precious and I expect our time together to be treated as such. I require a minimum of 48 hours notice for all dates. Only pre-screened souls can book a last minute or same day rendezvous when my last minute fee is received. Our time here on earth is not guaranteed thus I am very selective in regards to who I share space and time with. Screening is required and not negotiable.
If there is anything I've learned during the pandemic it's that every moment that I breathe is invaluable, not guaranteed, and most importantly ... mine. If I chose to spend any moment of my day with and/or for you, I require the utmost respect from you in every manner. From our first hello to our last goodbye, respect and honor are required. If at any point I feel as though my safety is at risk, my boundaries are ignored, or my aura is disturbed, I can and will end our time together without a refund. Compensation is for the opportunity to experience my energy and share space with me. Physical intimacy is not offered, contracted, nor compensated for.
A deposit is mandatory to ensure our time together is prioritized. Deposits establish that our time together is honored and will be well spent and are due 24 hours prior to agreed upon date.
All dates require a 50% deposit, which will be subtracted from your total tribute.
Deposits are accepted through Zelle and/or Venmo and are non-negotiable.
Tributes must be presented in a gift box/bag upon my arrival. Let’s get that out of the way so the musing can begin immediately.
I understand that life is sometimes uncontrollable and you may need to cancel or reschedule our time together.
Cancellations will be accepted with fees which are due within 24 hours of our date/time otherwise you will be blacklisted.
Contacting Me
Do NOT contact me for bookings via multiple platforms. Keep our communication to one method, preferably via email or messages here in my website. Do not ever DM me on any social or paid platform about bookings, this will get you blacklisted. You are literally risking my income when you DM on these social/paid spaces. I do not tolerate communication via every possible social media and phone and email. I offer my time and attention for my own pleasure and not for necessity. Most often then not I am preoccupied living my own eulogy. Seaux, do us both a favor and read all of my website before sending me a one worded DM. I offer numerous methods of inspiration for you across the web, please feel free to utilize any and all of these methods.
I have been sober from alcohol and party favors for over 3 years now and would prefer you to be sober during our time as well. I understand you may want a drink during dinner or to break your nerves and am willing to accept those desires and tolerate a slightly buzzed date within extreme moderation. I will not tolerate any illegal drug use in my presence nor will I cater to blatant drunkenness.
Review Policy
I do NOT participate in review boards or platforms. Our moments are to remain between our discretion. If I come across any review you've written about our time together on any online platform or board I will blacklist you on every possible outlet for breaking my boundary. Any reviews written on any board or site will be reported to the necessary authority for removal.